Join us for Worship this Sunday at 10:15AM or Sunday School at 9:00 AM
The challenges of COVID presented difficulties in even the simplest activities. To address those difficulties, we have expanded the ways you can contribute your tithes and offerings in a safe and secure manner.
If you are unable to take advantage of any of these options, please call the church office at (334) 687-2444. The staff will arrange for someone to pick up your offering at a time of your convenience.
Now that services have resumed in person, you can make your contribution before or after the service. Rather than risk possible exposure by passing the traditional offering plates, there are three offering receptacles at the entrances at the front and back of the sanctuary.
If you are concerned about attending worship services in the sanctuary, you can also contribute cash, checks, or money orders in the drop-box just to the right of the glass doors at the entrance to the church office. This locked box is firmly secured to the brick wall of the building for worry-free giving any time of the week. Simply lift the metal flap on the top of the box, insert your envelope, and lower the flap back into place.
If you are unable to leave your home, you can trust your offering to the US Postal Service. We support the USPS recommendation that you not send cash through the mail. Checks can be mailed to the church office at:
Parkview Baptist Church
608 S. Eufaula Ave
Eufaula, AL 36027-2602
In addition to more traditional ways of giving to our church such as cash or check, Parkview now offers online giving as well. This online giving process is made possible through Generosity by LifeWay.
LifeWay Christian Resources in Nashville, TN has been supporting churches since its inception in 1891. This nonprofit organization reinvests income above its operating expenses into mission work and other ministries around the world.
Your online gift can be accepted by completing the form below or by texting @pbceufaula to 52014 and following the prompts from there.